Most Common Mistakes of Advertising Made By New Businesses (and
oft’ times old ones too) When you came
in to work today, did you just about die when you had to make a decision on
your advertising? If you didn’t recoil into a fetal position and your brain’s
neurons actually fired up, on what did you base your decision? Gut feel? Here are the
most common advertising mistakes made by new businesses everywhere. I hope you
don’t find yourself making these when you are launching your business and I
especially hope you’re not making them if you’re one of the old dogs. I don’t
mean to belittle your decision-making, but I see it every day and it causes me
pain every time. 1. Expecting to
open the door and have everybody beat a path to it When you start
a new business you are totally consumed with it. You can think of nothing else, and that feeling of total
absorption rules how you think about your business and how you think others
feel about it too. It is natural for you to think that everyone interested in
what you offer will flock to your store like sheep being herded by a border
collie. Sorry to break it to you, but that won’t happen. The sooner you
understand this, the better off you will be. I deal with many well-known,
well-established companies who still are amazed by the number of people in
their trading area who don’t even know they exist let alone have ever shopped
there. Hard to believe, but true. 2. Not making
any room in your budget for advertising. “I’ll
advertise when I get more established and get some money coming in.” I can’t
tell you how many times I have heard that. What usually happens is the money
NEVER comes in and the business is always behind, so they never get to any
promotion until they advertise their closing-out sale. One prime form of
advertising is your location. Sometimes, an outstanding geographic location of
your shop doesn’t even need much more advertising than eye-popping signage.
However the less appealing your business’s location, the more you need to spend
on alternate forms of advertising. Budget for it. 3. Not fully
utilizing your available signage. Your easiest
and cheapest form of advertising will almost always be your signage. Nothing
stimulates the purchasing power of the shopping public more than windows
covered with a big sign saying “Opening Soon.” Capitalize on your location and
the traffic (pedestrian and vehicular) with a sign or signs that stand out from
the rest of the business signs around you. Don’t allow a graphic designer to
create just another sign that fits in with all the rest; be bold, creative,
different - but above all, make sure you do it right. The number of new
businesses that skimp on signage is almost endless. A cheap, ill-conceived sign
tells the world you really aren’t ready to play on the same turf as your
competitors. Who intuitively knows that? Your potential customers. And guess
who won’t shop your store because of it? Those same potential customers. They
write you off without even giving you a chance. 4. Expecting
instant results Think of
advertising your new business much like a farmer thinks of a seed. You plant it
in the minds of your potential customers and like a farmer, nurture it and
allow it to grow. Farmers do not expect seeds to germinate and grow to a mature
crop instantly, why do you with your advertising? The deeper the commitment to allow the advertising seed to
grow, the better you will fare in the long run. Advertising takes a long time
to grow, give yourself time to reap the harvest. 5. Not having a
strategy for advertising. You should
know exactly why you are advertising, what the core value of your business is
and how to communicate it. If you allow an advertising rep to convince you that
some goofy, wacky, far-out ad is the way to attract the attention of the
consumer, then your ad campaign will never truly reflect your business unless
you are goofy, wacky and far-out. Plan your ad strategy with the attention to
detail that you used when you planned your business. 6. Using Hype
instead of Truth Today’s
consumer is so sick of hype that they immediately discount it and often ignore
it. Think of your own case, when you see SALE - UP TO 75% OFF, what is your
immediate reaction? Are you like most of us who say, “Oh sure, they’ll have a
few items at 75% off, but not many”? You have discounted the hype in your mind.
Instead, truth will set you free, but it must be delivered in a manner that
peels back the layers of truth like layers of skin on an onion, exposed for all
to see. 7. Not fully utilizing your
website. Many new businesses think of a
website as an add-on to come later, but for many, a website creates an initial
link to the customer who wants to do some research before visiting your store
or service. The business owner who says, “If I can just talk to a prospect,
then I can convince them to buy my product” misses the fact that there are a
variety of personality types among prospects. Many would rather die than
subject themselves to a sales pitch. They want to do their homework before they
open your door - and open their wallets! Give these methodical types the option
of learning about your business from your well-constructed website and watch
your sales climb. Create a website for those who
like to be prepared before they make a decision, tell one story, and make it
uniquely yours. 8. Trying to be all things to all
people. It depends on what your business
is, but more often than not, a new business tries to be all things to all
people and ends up not being anything to anyone. Make the choice of what your
business stands for and put all of your weight behind it. Think of your
business as the horn of a rhinoceros; with the full weight of the beast behind
it, it can crash through walls. Plan your ads accordingly; tell the one story
that is uniquely yours and tell it over and over again. 9. Settling for advertising that
looks and sounds like others. How can people be interested and
excited about your advertising if it sounds and/or looks the same as most
others - read: boring? The saying, “Imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery” is absolute hogwash when it comes to advertising. Your goal is to be
fresh, new and exciting. Lead the way with something non-conformist and gage
the reaction. Even when reaction is strong, you must remember there will most
likely be negative as well as positive reactions...and that’s a good thing. Roy
H. Williams says in his book The Wizard of Ads, “ The risk of insult is the
price of clarity.” There can be no strong positive reaction unless there is a
strong negative reaction. Be prepared for it and rejoice when it happens. 10.
Not using a business mentor. You’ve just
opened your new business or are just about to. Get ready to make a blunder of
some sort. You are going to make some bone-headed decisions in the next little
while that you will look back on in the years to come and say, “What was I
thinking?” We all do it, it’s inevitable, get over it. A wise person once said,
“Anything worth doing well is worth doing badly at first until you get it
right.” But…one way to navigate through
this numbskull period is to find a wise person who has already made those
mistakes. A smart person (you) then learns from these mentors how to avoid
making those mistakes altogether. If you are
embarking on a new enterprise, congratulations! You are joining a business
sector that generates a significant portion of the Gross Domestic Product of
this country – the small business.
I encourage you to be one of the entrepreneurs that does it right. Get
the answers before you begin, not after you’ve launched and wasted your
precious time and money. Cheers Steve Rae
Great infos here. I`ll use some of them in my daily work. thanks
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